Taylor Wilson
Doctoral Student
Taylor completed his Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, with a minor in Nutrition, at the University of Nebraska Kearney in 2020 where he became involved in human performance research looking at fatigue effects in running versus biking when producing the same power output. Taylor then completed his Master’s degree in Biomechanics from the University of Nebraska Omaha’s Biomechanics Research Laboratory in 2022, which produced a Master’s project entitled Surface and task effects on fractal characteristics in gait. Taylor plans on exploring the research field of upper body biomechanics, specifically at the shoulder complex.

Motoki Sakurai
Doctoral candidate
Research project: PAC12 baseball biomechanics project
Motoki completed his Bachelor of Science in Sport and Health Science at Ritsumeikan University in Japan during which he produced a senior project entitled Effect of post activation potentiation on baseball hitting performance through the Isaka Biomechanics Laboratory. Motoki then completed his Master’s degree through the Human Performance Laboratories at Louisiana Tech University, producing a Master’s thesis entitled Relationship between kinetics of countermovement jump and proximal mechanics of collegiate baseball pitching. Motoki’s research interest centers around upper extremity biomechanics including baseball pitching mechanics and vision-proprioception coordination in response to vision manipulation using virtual reality system.